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Where's the frame
December 2, 2020 10:31 AM

Get to know one of London’s rising artists who are part of Lick The Future: Betsey Kilpatrick. Testing the limits of form versus abstraction, completion versus non-completion, movement versus stillness; this 2020 RCA painting grad creates exhilarating paintings that connect to nature. Here are 5 questions.
What is your favorite Netflix show? Or to binge?
I don’t really get into series much on Netflix, I usually like to watch the odd random nostalgic movie to bring back memories.
What kind of secret society would you like to start?
If there’s not one already, the secret society of “I still believe in fairies” ;)

Do you have any life soundtrack?
I would like the idea of my life soundtrack to be like Bjork's Utopia album, if it was unique and quirky and alive like that album, that would be cool. Really though my life soundtrack would probably be something more mellow and chilled.
What do you do to unwind after a stressful day?
I like to cook some delicious food, meditate/read.
Can you tell us what ‘banter’ means?
I don’t mind banter if it's just light teasing! But to me banter is flirting! :)

Follow Betsey on her instagram and her website.
Artwork photographs courtesy of the artist. Portraits taken by Alina zum Hebel (website/ instagram). Photography courtesy of where’s the frame? and Alina zum Hebel.
where’s the frame? - ‘Lick the Future’ is a collection of London vanguards comprising of 6 artists that are making waves. The collection will be available from December 2020 until the end of January 2021. Go to Betsey's collection page to check it out.