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Where's the frame

Maribelle Bierens

April 26, 2022 2:58 PM


Last Sunday, the 24th of April, Sian Fan performed ‘Between Worlds’ as part of the V&A performance festival. Conceived as part of Sian Fan’s V&A Museum’s Digital Wonderlands residency, the aerial performance was choreographed by the artist and performed with two other dancers throughout the day.

Combining dance and digital projections, in this mesmerising performance, the performers beautifully move across the silks, far up in the air. With the digital projections and the organic flowing movements of the dancers in the space, the performance creates an illusion of existing in between worlds, raising questions about what it means to exist in-between.


Sian Fan, ‘Between Worlds’ at the V&A. Photography by Alina zum Hebel

Using the artist’s Chinese-British mixed heritage as a point of entry, ‘Between Worlds’, explores thresholds and what it means to exist in-between. The digital projections projected on the performers, merge botanical images from the V&A’s Chinese and British collections, digitally transforming and overlaying them.

Sian Fan, ‘Between Worlds’ at the V&A. Photography by Alina zum Hebel


Performing alongside the V&A famous Raphael Cartoons, a set of over 500 years old full-scale designs for tapestry painted by Raphael of biblical scenes, gives the performance another dimension. Being surrounded by historical and religious monumental artworks raises further questions about changing world views and what it means to exist in between.

‘Between Worlds’ will take place again this Friday, the 29th of April, 2022 as part of the V&A Friday Late: Freedom of Movement. For more information, check the website here.